Hazel Plaza Apartments
from aptfinder.org
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2021 East John
Seattle, WA 98112 (map)
King County
Seattle Proximity: Core - East of I-5

Property Category:


Properties for Individuals and Families

These properties have open eligibility in that they do not restrict occupancy to a particular age population (seniors) or disabled households. Most properties will require that the head of household be over the age of 18 or an emancipated minor. The number of persons in an apartment will be restricted to bedroom size, in most cases, and a few properties have set-aside certain units within their property for seniors and/or persons with a disability. Single persons, roommates, couples and families are welcome at these properties- unless otherwise indicated on the listing.

Please call the MAIN CONTACT on each property listing for specific program or property eligibility.

Approximate Wait:
Over 2 year wait or wait list currently closed

Availability Detail:

The 2 and 3 bedroom wait lists are open.

HUD subsidized property, serving low to very low-income households. Residents pay 30% of their adjusted income for rent.

To apply go to http://www.communityrootshousing.org/ and download application, wait list applies

Special Eligibility:

All units at this property offer subsidy through HUD Project Based subsidy program. You will only pay 30% of your income for rent. Wait list and income limits apply. Income must be under 50% median.


One, two and three bedroom apartments are townhouse style. Close to playfied, shopping, restaurants. Two and three bedrooms have small yards.


Main Contact for Inquires and Application

Name: Hazel Plaza Phone: 206-895-1400
Title: Property Management Fax:
Company: Community Roots Housing TDD: Call 711 for free relay service
Address: c/o 1620 12th Ave Suite # 205 Email: leasinginfo@communityrootshousing.org
Seattle, WA 98122 Website: https://communityrootshousing.org/building/hazel-plaza/
Office Hours: 9am - 5pm
Management Contact

Name: Community Roots Housing Phone: 206-895-1400
Title: Property Management Fax:
Company: Email: leasinginfo@communityrootshousing.org
Address: 1620 12th Avenue Suite # 205 Website: www.communityrootshousing.org
Seattle, WA 98122

Program Type(s)

Properties that offer HUD Project-Based subsidized apartments

Properties that offer HUD Project-Based Subsidized apartments

These properties are private, non-profit or Housing Authority Public rental housing where the federal and/or state government provides subsidies directly to the property through a HUD contract. The property owner or housing authority applies those subsidies to the rents he/she charges income eligible households. Unlike the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher tenant-based subsidy program, Project-based subsidy is not portable or transferrable. It stays with the property. Your rent at a Project-based subsidized property will be approximately 30 % of your adjusted monthly income as long as you qualify. You will need to income qualify and recertify your income at least once per year, or more often if necessary. Applicants for these properties need to qualify between the HUD Extremely Very low (30%) and the HUD Low (80%) annual gross income limits, depending upon program requirements and give preference to lower income limit households. HUD Project-Based programs include, but are not limited to:
HUD Section 8 Multifamily programs
HUD PRAC program for the elderly or disabled
HUD 202/8 program for the elderly
Housing Authority Project Based program

Please call the MAIN CONTACT on each property listing for specific program or property eligibility.

Income Limit Category: Very Low,
Income Limit Details: Must be below 50% median income


Cable TV Hookup
Deck or Patio
Garbage Disposal
Garden Setting
Non-Smoking Property
Laundry Room on Property
Off Street Parking
Pet Friendly

Proximity to transit: Front Door Pickup

Other Amenities:

Water, sewer, garbage included.

Background Screening Information

Accepting Comprehensive Re-usable Tenant Screening Reports
Not Accepting Comprehensive Re-usable Tenant Screening Reports

Screening Information and Cost (If Any):

No cost for screening

A comprehensive re-usable tenant screening report (portable report) means a tenant screening report, prepared by a consumer reporting agency at the direction of and paid for by the prospective tenant, and made available directly to a prospective landlord at no charge. Reports are re-usable for 30 days for multiple landlords.

In accordance with Senate Bill 6413 effective 6/9/2016, landlords have the option to either accept or not accept portable reports, and the landlords decision must be included in the landlord’s posted rental criteria.

If the landlord indicates its willingness to accept a comprehensive reusable tenant (portable) screening report, the landlord may access the landlord's own tenant screening report, regarding a prospective tenant, as long as the prospective tenant is not charged for the landlord's own tenant screening report.

Bedroom Sizes and Rent Structure

These rent amounts are generally the lowest and highest rents currently reported at this property. Please call the main contact listed above for details and requirements.

# of Bedrooms
Rent Range
# of units
1 Bedroom$0
$20064 Unit(s) 
2 Bedrooms$0
$256910 Unit(s) 
3 Bedrooms$0
$36122 Unit(s) 

Total Units:Directly Subsidized (Project-Based) Units:
16 Units16 Units

Rent Detail: Tenants qualified for HUD subsidy pay 30% of their monthly income for rent. Maximum rents are listed above

Equal Housing Opportunity -
This Page was Last Updated January 29, 2025

AptFinder.org does not provide personalized housing locator services. Properties listed with us have not been inspected by us and although we do our best to keep information current and accurate, we do not take responsibility for management of the properties or accuracy on the information provided on our listings. Please make sure you read over the listings carefully. If you need more information regarding the property, please contact the main contact listed on their page directly. Aptfinder.org is a 501c3 Non -Profit corporation developed and supported by AHMA of WA - Affordable Housing Management Association, ARHC of WA - Affordable Rural Housing Council and our many listing properties.

©2013 aptfinder.org, a non-profit corporation of Multifamily Affordable Properties (MAP)