Tips for Advertising with
Use our on-line data collection format to it's fullest potential!
  • Include up to four photos for your listing. Minimum resolution 800 x 800 px please
  • Under MAIN CONTACT, list the most appropriate contact person's name and phone number for applications/questions concerning the property.
  • Consider displaying the management agent information. This could help with advertising your firm and other properties you manage.
  • Check mark the program or programs under which your subsidy is provided and/or the apartments are kept affordable or eligibility restrictions apply.
  • Utilize the special eligibility text box to explain your eligibility criteria such as "Housing for seniors 62 years of age or older only" or "Restrictions on student applicants (for tax credit)". If you have no restrictions, say that! This box is the key to helping applicants find the most appropriate housing for themselves and their family.
  • Choose the correct income limit category for your properties program. For example, HUD Section 8 uses the Very Low income limit – under 50% median income. If your property gives preference to other categories, explain that in the text box- such as "Preference for Extremely Low households – below 30% median income". For USDA , use the "Other" limit and explain Moderate Income limits with preference for Very Low. If you have Tax Credits, explain your income set asides.
  • Make sure your unit size counts add to the total units at the property.
  • Give the full range of rents available at your property. For HUD Section 8, the lowest rent could be 0.00 (with full subsidy) and the highest your basic/market rent.
  • If you feel that you should clarify your rental rates, subsidy or unit layouts, use the text box to explain them further.
  • Choose the best waiting list category that currently applies. You can always email me with a change to this later on. If your have different waiting lists for different units or sizes, explain that in the waiting list text box.
  • Check mark all the amenities that apply. Be sure to mark "Pet Friendly" on senior properties or if you accept dogs/cats.
  • Use the amenity text box to further explain your location, surroundings, availability to other resources, accessibility etc. This is your advertising and should say good things about your property! Questions? Call me at (253) 383-3861 or email

©2013, a non-profit corporation of Multifamily Affordable Properties (MAP)